Polka Dots Dress I’m where now, Happy Monday everyone! I’m going to keep this brief, do you ever feel so overwhelmed with things you have a hard time focusing? You have so many good ideas you don’t know where to start. We continue to stay in the same situation, fearing failure or because it is comfortable.

Many times we know what we need to do, but until things are uncomfortable we stay in the same place. I love and hate learning new things. however, once I finally commit to focusing and taking one thing at a time I slowly progress. We fill our days with planning or projects that are simple time fillers, and we say we don’t have time to learn and progress. How many of us every January have so many great plans for the next year and by the end of the month we say we are too busy and then another year goes by. How do we balance progression without burning out?

One step at a time…
Start a list
Write down all your goals and decide what resources you need to accomplish these goals. Be realistic. If you do a little every day 6 months down the road you may be surprised to see what you have done. Take a leap of faith. Don’t wait til things suck, act now. My husband has a podcast called Warrior on Fire. I will be having a hairstylist in addition to this with weekly tips on what I have experienced through being a wife, mom, and entrepreneur, stay tuned to my blog and Instagram for more details!

Today I wanted to wear this Polka Dots Dress

Dress/ MYTHERESA (on sale) Click below for more sizes available
Shoes/ Christain Louboutin/ Save Version HERE
Bag/ Chloe
Photos by: Gabi Wells
Post from: DKW Styling
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